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As Allied armies liberated Europe in early 1945, American, French, British, and Soviet military intelligence teams raced to capture information, matériel, and personnel associated with German war technology. After surrendering to the U.S. Army, Wernher von Braun and other V-2 experts revealed the capabilities of their rockets.

The Allies asked surviving concentration camp workers to help inventory parts for V-2 missiles at the Nordhausen facility. The main entrance to the underground factory is visible in the background.
concentration camp workers to help inventory parts for V-2 missiles at the Nordhausen facility
145 k jpeg
SI#: 79-12338
U.S. Army Ordnance units inspected bombed-out German supply trains.
123 k jpeg
SI#: 79-12328
U.S. Army Ordnance units, looking for useful V-2 components to ship to America, inspected bombed-out German supply trains.
This V-2 was displayed at the war's end in Washington, D.C., near 12th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W. It symbolized not only the end of the war, but also the new shape of possible conflicts to come.
V-2 was displayed at the war's end in Washington, D.C
139 k jpeg
SI#: 90-378

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